iFrame Widget


Allows Captivate developers to embed a webpage into their files. This can be used to show a PDF, a website or embed another file in their existing Captivate file.


Example 1: PDF File hosted on a website – appearing in a Captivate file through the iFrame widget

Languages: English

Author: Envolvemedia

Type: Adobe Captivate Widget



Display external websites or content URLs, such as PDF or video files in an Adobe Captivate file, with the iFrame Widget by Envolvemedia.


Captivate Authoring

As a Captivate developer, when an iFrame Widget is added to a slide, it’s properties dialog appears. This dialog also appears, when double-clicking on the widget after it’s been placed/configured.


iFrame Widget Properties Dialog

There are two areas of interest in the Print Widget dialog:

  • Help/About button
  • Properties


Help/About button

Clicking the help/about button will display the About dialog for the iFrame Widget. This dialog shows the version information and provides links to the online documentation (this page), a link to send an email to Envolvemedia for providing feedback or get support, and a button to check for updates to this widget.

Help/About Dialog



The Properties section allows the developer to enter the URL to display and an optional title for 508 purposes.


Enter the URL to display in the widget/area. This should be a fully-qualified URL such as: