Breakout rooms are an essential part of a well-rounded training and Adobe Connect has that functionality built in. Our own Andrew Chemey will go over the setup details and how to make them work for you, based on recent improvements that have come to Adobe Connect. You can rename rooms, distribute participants randomly, and cycle participants from room to room via a single click in the system. This tool will give your participants a robust experience when they attend your next training, seminar, or webinar.
Meet the Voice
Andrew Chemey has over 25 years of experience in eLearning and Development. In addition to building content or managing LMS / training, he has been a QA Manager and Developer on both the tools used to generate that same content; and the LMS’s used to launch/track the content. He started his career at Macromedia , working on the development teams of several Macromedia and Adobe products including Authorware, Flash, Connect, Captivate and Presenter. He specializes in the back-end technologies such as AICC and SCORM standards or APIs that are used to provide solutions which enhance the experience of the customer and especially their learners
Header Photo by Benjamin Child on Unsplash