The Question and Answer (Q&A) pod in Adobe Connect is one of the many pods that allow Hosts to create engagement with participants. It allows participants to ask questions of presenters or hosts. It also allows presenters or hosts to manage those questions including assigning questions out, responding privately, and moving the Q&A interface to the Host & Presenter area for ease of use. Mitchell Jun, our Virtual Architect will go over all the details with you in today’s VLOG.
Meet the Voice
Mitchell Jun is a Virtual Architect with over 15 years of experience building web based infrastructures for the DoD and federal government agencies. His vast array of knowledge spans the entire Adobe Creative Cloud Suite with his main focus being on Adobe Connect. He has a background in finance, working nearly a decade on Wall Street and with the Defense Department as a Principal Financial Analyst. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his wife and son, playing video games, and rock climbing.
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